Is Umrah currently open?

Umrah is open to Saudi Arabian residents as well as to a very small number of countries where Corona virus outbreaks have been completely controlled. 

According to some reports, Saudi Arabia has suspended Umrah operations until the Corona virus situation has been brought under control. This is until the world health organization provides a clear signal for travel and tourism to resume. 

Thousands of Muslims are eagerly awaiting the re-start of the upcoming Umrah season in India Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Due to Corona virus outbreaks in Saudi Arabia, the Umrah operation was suspended by the Saudi Government.

In February 2020, the Umrah was stopped. Following that process, Saudi Arabia took a three-step approach to resuming Umrah back. The Saudi government will permit pilgrimages from outside of the country starting on November 1, 2020. Due to the movement of pilgrims, very strict rules were put in place to minimize the spread of Corona virus. Many pilgrim groups came from Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.

In January 2021, Saudi Arabia shut their borders and stopped Umrah once again due to a new variant of Coronavirus spreading in India.

Government officials have made it very clear that the health and safety of Saudi citizens is the most critical thing for them. They will not risk the lives of Saudi citizens by allowing Umrah or Hajj to begin unless all cases of Corona virus are controlled all over the world.

As a major relief, it is commendable that the Saudi government has managed to control Corona virus throughout this pandemic. Health care officials in Saudi Arabia recently reported that life in the kingdom will be returning to normal very soon. Saudi Arabia’s vast majority of the population is now vaccinated, so gradually all of the vaccinated people in the world are being allowed to make umrah.

For the latest developments, we will keep you posted on this page. Contact our Umrah travel team by calling +91 9108270084. Allah bless you!

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